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static ram中文是什么意思

用"static ram"造句"static ram"怎么读"static ram" in a sentence


  • 静态ram
  • 静态存储器
  • 静态随机存取存储器


  • Bsram burst pipelined synchronous static ram
  • Bsram burst pipelined synchronous static ram
  • Bsram burst pipelined synchronous static ram
  • In the paper , the data is transferred via the s5933 pass - thru data transfer , with a dual - port static ram
    本论文利用s5933的pass - thru通道,结合片外双口ram ,完成对数据的传输。
  • This paper explores potential for the rampage memory hierarchy to use a microkernel with a small memory footprint , in a specialized cache - speed static ram tightly - coupled memory , tcm
  • Then we go on with the designs of the subsystems , such as the module of power supply , the module of memory , the module of the communication between the motion controller based on dsp and the pc / 104 bus through the dual - port static ram and etc . then , the software design of the embedded motion controller which based on the pc / 104 bus is analyzed
    我们按照模块化设计方法,把复杂的运动控制器细化为功能相对独立的子系统,再对运动控制器的各个子系统分别进行设计,如:电源模块,存储器模块,双端口ram实现dsp运动控制器与pc机之间的通讯模块的设计等。再次,论文分析了基于pc / 104的嵌入式运动控制系统的软件设计。
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